
A Little Something About Yours Truly:


Hello, everyone, and welcome!

My name is Jamie, but I am frequently referred to as “Bunny” or “The Rabbit” (or something along those lines, depending on who you ask), so I will probably go by that here because I can. My blog, my rules, ya?

Here is a little about me. I am a pseudo millennial (by that, I mean that I was born within the year bracket designating if one is a millennial, but I still remember life before the world’s techno-takeover…WOO, 80s babies!) who loves to crochet, cosplay, and suffers from Chronic Migraine. I got my first migraine when I was 6 (thanks, genetics…) and they have gotten more frequent and serious since then. I have grown rather fed-up with the stigma attached to migraine, so I thought, “Hey, I will start a blog and chronicle my thoughts and experiences ‘living’ with this disease!”

Besides, did you know that June is Migraine Awareness Month? What better time to start a blog all about it?

Migraine is more than “just a headache.” When I am asked what it is like to have a migraine by people who have only experienced headaches in varying degrees of severity (but never a proper migraine), I can only explain it in one way:

“Imagine back when you were young and stupid and partied too hard. You wake up the next day with a hangover. You eat some toast, take two aspirin, and drink your weight in water…now imagine that not working and the hangover lasts three days and then you feel fatigued and gross for days even after it’s gone.

If you can imagine that, that is the general idea of what a migraine feels like. Granted, it is not a perfect analogy, but it is hard to describe something you see as your “normal,” but is actually not so to the casual observer.

Random thought…Thank goodness for spell check. Looking at my laptop screen is a nightmare right now, even with the brightness as low as it can go without turning my screen off and a sheet over that.

To conclude, this blog contains my thoughts and opinions. I am not a medical professional, but I am called a “migraine expert” at my workplace. I will be sharing my experiences, tips, tricks, and whatever else decides to flow from my fingertips. However, no two migraines are alike, and no two migraineurs* are alike. What does or does not work for me will not be the same for that close friend or family member who suffers from migraine. In that case, I don’t really intend to give someone some treatment epiphany (although, if that happens, please tell me so we can celebrate together!), but if you want some insight into the life of a migraine-sufferer, here is a candid view from my eyes.


“I wouldn’t call it living. Call it surviving.” ~ The Vampire Lestat to new vampire, Louis, in the 1994 film adaptation of Anne Rice’s “Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles”

💖Hearts and Sparkles!💖

*A Migraineur is a fancy term for a migraine sufferer. Can someone please tell my laptop that I didn’t make it up?

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